Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Digital News World

When I was a kid , I remember there was not much options on our TV to watch. There were only some channels that would provide more entertaining comedy drama than today's news channel. The entertainment is now converted in infotainment. With viral information on socially active sites available to everyone we forget to sit and share new information.

There is a wing in all this mass media that deals with reporting and sharing news information. I have worked on some news sites and i categorize them in different categories. They are all infotainment sites for me if you want to put them in single categories, if you want to further segregate them then they are the following

Personally Maintained News Site:

  As a developer I had woke up in the morning with an idea of making news site many times. Similarly many of you had thought about it too. I had made some news sites that i maintain myself. These sites are not that informative as it may have two to three authors involved or sometimes only single guy is responsible for the whole site. Purpose of this site is just uploading relevant or irreverent news to attract traffic and cash traffic to ad-sense or bitly or other adds services. Information on such sites are grafted to get traffic, and many do share stories that are not proper for children. As there is no editor or editorial policies they can copy  my post and change it into news and then share it to social media. Once people sees the stupid punch line and a funny photo they are intimated to click on it. Owner of the site gets cash when  traffic comes and adds are viewed.

Hackers News Sites:

  You may have seen posts that look really awesome but when you go there to read they always try to ask for some information or your antivirus sometimes stops you going on the website. Hackers are developers like me. Or not so like me because I am not going to scratch your card.For these guys this is something for fun, but others do this professionally. They do form a group online and then work together. As they all are technically sound, so their site looks smooth and they know what you want to see. On such sites content is not issue, the post made are re-posted again  and again. They just want you to come on their site and click on some stuff. They track your activity and sometimes download stuff in you temp directory and so that your information may ping back to them. If a group gets popular many companies may hire them for security or other stuff (if you know what I mean). For such news site many browsers are trying to mark as malicious sites but they cant cover all. You should refrain from going to such sites and also see anti virus notifications. Report such sites to proper authorities.

Small Group News Sites:

  If you have a group of friends with a similar interest. You like to share information and news ongoing events in specific fields then this is the category you belong to. Majorly these sites start as a hobby. From single owner it evolves to multiple authors. It has may have team of two or three but there are about nine or ten authors present on such sites. They are specific to the group or community of people who have same interests. These sites mostly have forums attached to them. You can have a discussions over a specific topics and also can share your news or information. Community interactions over internet is very much responsive and it is noted that such forums are active because "I am better at doing what you are doing", and you get a lot of help on such type of sites.

Company Funded News Sites:

 Many Companies has funded news sites for lobbing. Now these sites may come when elections are near. These are local news sites and cover area or specific to certain group. These also have printed magazines associated with them. So they feel authentic and have somewhat authority in the circle they are published. These sites are popular and they have targeted audience. These sites are also used to generate influence over specific government people. The people operating them have a very clear ind and objective and they mostly achieve their goals using such news sites. They inform about politics and politicians and also criticize government policies. These sites act like a legit newspaper and give stories and follow ups in the same pattern. But they are only used as a tool to influence opinion or influence officials. People may ire whole editorial team around 15 people for this purpose, reporters are hired to investigate and give evidence.

Viral Sites: 

  Do not worry they don't have viruses on these sites but may sometimes be having malicious activity. Mostly they are ping back or link building websites. They pick news from other news websites feeds and then shared on their own website while linking back to the original posts. These sites are authentic sites and if you are looking for something then do visit such sites. Feed from different sites come to one place and you are able to have everything at one spot.These are full throttler websites and have workforce to maintain and publish through proper monitoring of websites. They also report websites that are generating bad linking. Such sites has products adds and sponsored content. These sites share information and most of the time the content is not exclusive. The content on these sites  can go viral and many websites pay them to post sponsored content.

News Websites:

  These are authentic websites with news, views and reviews, it has also has broader number of topics. Its on mass media and they have most recent news. But they can make all the pain go away or they can make you feel worse. These channels are not boring. With a line up of anchors they have a much larger following. And there is no skip on these websites. they follow and follow and investigate and then follow, till the story dies. They might freak you out sometimes but at other they my adjust you to make your own opinion. From other sites they are in different place. They can mold your opinion and they can bubble up anything. These sites are in support of channels and sometimes these are powerful organizations. Many conspiracy theorist considered them as masked operations but in my opinion underneath its nothing.

Conspiracy Sites:

  Many people like stunts and many do want to see a guy jump from cliff (with parachute of-course). These sites are likely to be non focused, but they are mainly against much of the things happening around. They stays underground and then with something big and with certain evidence they come up as a big strong truth speaking site. These sites are mainly operation and the people handling these sites may have more information than you and me.  They don't have stories but opinions on situations and issues. But are very popular in youth. These sites are very energetic and have information you never have thought of. They may built something out of nothing. They sometimes had some information which is not supposed to be public and after that these sites majorly go offline unless its jumping multiple servers. Its adrenaline for news world and sometimes planted in place by government to move focus of masses from one issue to a different set of problems.

Media of any kind is important but it should know people wnat the truth and the only truth not fabricated not manipulated and not even made up.

Syed Sohaib Jamil

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Creating Complex Passwords

Many do asks me how do i remember a long lists of passwords. This is the key security question, which is related to another question, HOW TO MAKE A COMPLEX PASSWORD AND THEN REMEMBER IT. Many do make passwords related to their life, these passwords become hack able. Normally passwords may have your birth date, name of your girlfriend or a sentence you say all the time. Hackers identify such information and then get into your account. To my surprise many use their or their child's birth date for pin of credit cards. These are easy to hack and then your data is lost.
You may have seen now password generators when making an account on some websites, but they give you password something like aGe34!Cop@)g, this is complex password. But you cannot remember it. It would be really hard to remember.
To make such password you just need a sentence you can easily remember.
Example: I engage to jane hack ostwald for 19 yrs
Now take first or second letter of the sentence
I e j h ost 19 yrs
this looks like a good password but to make it even more strong use some letter in upper case
this now made a good complex password but hackers still can be able to see trough it, so we are making it even more complex by adding numbers
IeJ4ost19yrs (my example has numbers already so we are covered in that area, but replace letters with resembling numbers like h for 4 e for 3 etc )
It would take a professional hacker to figure out what is your password and still it would cost him/her a lot of time (girls who hack are more aggressive then guy hackers)
But we want hackers to loose interest in our password, To do that add complex character like @ # * in your password
IeJ4ost19yrs replacing with character will become
Now this is really complex password and hard to crack. but you can remember it because you are engage to jane hack ostwald for 19 yrs.
Its how complex passwords can be maintained or you can have multiple passwords and then easily remember them. Still its always a better ideas to keep log of your passwords. You can write sentences in book and only you can know where you put number and where you put character.
The complex password has Numbers, Characters , Small caps, Caps and something that you can remember it by.
Syed Sohaib Jamil

Friday, June 6, 2014

New digital Era

We live in the world that is no longer analogue, there are some things that are not digital. Kids have access to internet everywhere. They can go online and play games over network. New heroes are now intelligent people like Steve Jobs and Stephen Hawkings. lots of information is shared over internet and much of the communication is conducted over text and emails.

Being in interstellar age we now developing new technologies like 3d printed houses and mind controlled planes. Cars that don't need your driving skills.We also have places to live in digitaal world like facebook and google+. there we can socialize and make new friends. Online gaming has increased abruptly and many house wives are playing these games. 

We are creating intelligent life forms, like i-Cub who can learn from experience. Robots will soon remove the need  of labour and much of the work will be done by these parameterized digital slaves. New tows have sounds chips and will soon new toys like sony orb will come that can play with you. If  a child is born we don't hold hands we make statuses and let the whole world share our happiness.

Parents must now reserve an email address for every child that will help them to share notes, photos and clips of their children. Trip photos and life events are now becoming hash tags of social culture. services are here that will help you capture the life event professionally and engaging crowd socially. 

Imagination has no limits, in some mmorpg you create your own character and then enhance abilities will moving along road and adding people making gang and then you have a clan that will protect you kill for you and go to war if you declare one. Fights are fought on youtube and social media.Freedom of speech is truly experienced here. Everyone share views and then you get likes over it.

If my brain is connected to a digital world i would like to transfer my memories to it and be mortal running with other signals in this new world of digital signals.This is testament to that we are engaging new horizons of digital world of our immortal lives to make mortal. By even writing my thoughts here on blog I am sharing a part of my soul to this digital world. there is no pen or paper involved and i can do this over my mobile phone. This writing will be here and ill be living here.

Friday, April 12, 2013

What we have from British

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip)
Lahore is very old city and it has so many old monuments/buildings. This happened to me a lot, when walking through the roads of Lahore, i find myself taken back in time. I visualize the royals moving through same old streets drinking tea from "Pak Tea House" and saving their mustache from tea. This still happens if you have one.I remember a video in which Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) walking along beside one of the lakes, with the governor of West Pakistan and other dignitaries.
We Lahore is filled with so much beautiful and elegant places that needs exploring. I studied in one of grate University Lahore has, GC University. It has a history of over two hundred years, build by British. The main building or the vice chancellor office reminded me of some old intelligent minds that walked these floors. The emphi theater in GC was used by actors to play the scripts of Shakespeare. Sometimes you wonder how it's still standing. The majestic main clock, not working now, but in old times would have been source of time. If move a little on the mall road you will see Alfred C. Woolner statue standing. You can admire the guy because Dr. Woolner started as librarian at Punjab University and then finally he was vice chancellor of Punjab University. Many don't know but he is buried here too.
The old photo of Lahore
Then you can goto Shimla Pahari, here at Lahore Lawrence Garden or old Governor House, The spring brings out the best of it. If you visit it in spring time it will be filled with decorated flowers. Beautiful scenes can be found there. Some intellects can be found discussing matters while sitting in ground. The Jinnah Library was governor house and later it was converted to library.
Lahore had many visitors/tourists that come ti dig out out history as it is the cultural and trade hub. Walled city has many cannons that you may find still there and some are left by British Empire.
The oldest teaching institute The Lahore YMCA, has a proud tradition of service to Pakistan, since 1876 the YMCA has been famous as a venue for historical meetings, social events and imparting quality education. Many don't know its that old. If you look at the old photos of Lahore it will feel very open filled with beautiful people.

London 6732 Miles
The cultured sharing started here. MAO started teaching English and we started exchanging cultures. Many old books can be found at Punjab Public library that will tell you the story how we and British came understanding each-other and forming of common wealth. All in all Lahore has many British monuments that are here intact and standing. This reminds us the era of the great Britain Royal Empire. More tourist should come and vist these beautiful places and landmarks.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hotspot Shield- If your usig this, get free trail.

There are over 20 million users of hotspot shield and it is considered as one good VPN (virtual private network) for users. It is free and elite both. and both works really good, elite is ads free so its fast than free version. Forbes got it rated and reviewed software, and this made CEO's of Hotspot Shield happy. This is free 30 day elite for you and your friends.
1. Download Hotspot Shield for free to your iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod-touch) or Android (phone/tablet) device.
2. Launch the app.
3. Tap the “Restore Purchase” option.
4. Enter the code FREE and click the submit button.
5. Enjoy!

I am looking into setting up VPN through the  IP so that we don't need hotspot software. Lets see what turn up. Until then have 30 day elite :).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Face Book Feeds New Look

Here comes the new Facebook look.The Facebook is trying hard to stop its user migration to Google+. Facebook thinks this will be remedy to all the bad publicity they got from the timeline, they are keeping time line but also integrating old design into new one. This is taking them really hard to do so cause time line is more complex architecture. The created new design will be more convenient ans the flow will be much more like Google+. Plus is far ahead from Facebook, they are able to manage everything keeping design really simple. I like you tube design as one of the best cause it's just so simple and communicative. Tells me everything and points me in right direction.
It's a fact Facebook has much larger community, not only this it has much larger active community. Google if want to capture Facebook community it should try to import games data from Facebook api so that all games records are in sync. I mean if I am over level 2500 in a game why should i go on Google+ to start all over again. people like to go on Google plus but it has much less active gamers.
Google+ has one more thing it has no adds :)
Now Facebook needs to find suitable place for adds and sponsored data. we don't mind adds it's just they should not just popup in feeds. The feed in new design are easy to scroll and the navigation is on the left. Some more complex menu for settings and privacy are back in same menu and the look good. Facebook is still keeping recommendations on right, and it's increasing random community of pages and groups. Facebook is hardly working on design and i hope old styles are integrated into it so that the users will stick here. I hope all the design blunders from time line will be removed and user get more control over contents.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear Departed!!!!

Am I Not the right person, this posturing, Why did this vanity?
Why to avoid it so much, Why was the presence of anger?

It was fun for you to remember, you're tormented me, not forget
It is a crime punishable by departing, I had memorized fault

That your ego with you, with me is my destiny
Maybe you like me, you pride yourself that much at all!

This mirage was a dream, which passed, then passed
Why is it the fault of insights, it is nonsense of mine

This is your face book, read it cover to cover
Just write a simple thing to do, it was leaf of lines

Proud recording a dawn heart of the Desert it is not
Just words lost in the crowd, you must find what is?

All flowers in your fate, all my calculations denied
It holding the fabled reward as punishment, I was at fault.

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