Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Creating Complex Passwords

Many do asks me how do i remember a long lists of passwords. This is the key security question, which is related to another question, HOW TO MAKE A COMPLEX PASSWORD AND THEN REMEMBER IT. Many do make passwords related to their life, these passwords become hack able. Normally passwords may have your birth date, name of your girlfriend or a sentence you say all the time. Hackers identify such information and then get into your account. To my surprise many use their or their child's birth date for pin of credit cards. These are easy to hack and then your data is lost.
You may have seen now password generators when making an account on some websites, but they give you password something like aGe34!Cop@)g, this is complex password. But you cannot remember it. It would be really hard to remember.
To make such password you just need a sentence you can easily remember.
Example: I engage to jane hack ostwald for 19 yrs
Now take first or second letter of the sentence
I e j h ost 19 yrs
this looks like a good password but to make it even more strong use some letter in upper case
this now made a good complex password but hackers still can be able to see trough it, so we are making it even more complex by adding numbers
IeJ4ost19yrs (my example has numbers already so we are covered in that area, but replace letters with resembling numbers like h for 4 e for 3 etc )
It would take a professional hacker to figure out what is your password and still it would cost him/her a lot of time (girls who hack are more aggressive then guy hackers)
But we want hackers to loose interest in our password, To do that add complex character like @ # * in your password
IeJ4ost19yrs replacing with character will become
Now this is really complex password and hard to crack. but you can remember it because you are engage to jane hack ostwald for 19 yrs.
Its how complex passwords can be maintained or you can have multiple passwords and then easily remember them. Still its always a better ideas to keep log of your passwords. You can write sentences in book and only you can know where you put number and where you put character.
The complex password has Numbers, Characters , Small caps, Caps and something that you can remember it by.
Syed Sohaib Jamil

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