Friday, April 12, 2013

What we have from British

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip)
Lahore is very old city and it has so many old monuments/buildings. This happened to me a lot, when walking through the roads of Lahore, i find myself taken back in time. I visualize the royals moving through same old streets drinking tea from "Pak Tea House" and saving their mustache from tea. This still happens if you have one.I remember a video in which Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) walking along beside one of the lakes, with the governor of West Pakistan and other dignitaries.
We Lahore is filled with so much beautiful and elegant places that needs exploring. I studied in one of grate University Lahore has, GC University. It has a history of over two hundred years, build by British. The main building or the vice chancellor office reminded me of some old intelligent minds that walked these floors. The emphi theater in GC was used by actors to play the scripts of Shakespeare. Sometimes you wonder how it's still standing. The majestic main clock, not working now, but in old times would have been source of time. If move a little on the mall road you will see Alfred C. Woolner statue standing. You can admire the guy because Dr. Woolner started as librarian at Punjab University and then finally he was vice chancellor of Punjab University. Many don't know but he is buried here too.
The old photo of Lahore
Then you can goto Shimla Pahari, here at Lahore Lawrence Garden or old Governor House, The spring brings out the best of it. If you visit it in spring time it will be filled with decorated flowers. Beautiful scenes can be found there. Some intellects can be found discussing matters while sitting in ground. The Jinnah Library was governor house and later it was converted to library.
Lahore had many visitors/tourists that come ti dig out out history as it is the cultural and trade hub. Walled city has many cannons that you may find still there and some are left by British Empire.
The oldest teaching institute The Lahore YMCA, has a proud tradition of service to Pakistan, since 1876 the YMCA has been famous as a venue for historical meetings, social events and imparting quality education. Many don't know its that old. If you look at the old photos of Lahore it will feel very open filled with beautiful people.

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The cultured sharing started here. MAO started teaching English and we started exchanging cultures. Many old books can be found at Punjab Public library that will tell you the story how we and British came understanding each-other and forming of common wealth. All in all Lahore has many British monuments that are here intact and standing. This reminds us the era of the great Britain Royal Empire. More tourist should come and vist these beautiful places and landmarks.

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